Why do women prefer bad men?


Why do women prefer bad men?

Bad men, hmm…!!! What is your definition of a bad man? How do you differentiate nice men from bad ones? Stereotypically, we may define a bad man as one who is a rebel, arrogant, selfish, cocky, repulsive, abusive and mistreats women. While a nice man talks about all the goody-goody things of life and is a complete contrast to a bad man.

Despite this, why do most nice men fail to woo women? Bad men seem to be smarter in sweeping women off their feet. We often see a nice man finishing at last while approaching a woman for courtship. What is it that makes bad men score more than nice men when it comes to women’s preference?

What I personally feel is that it is not the stereotypical bad guy that women prefer to nice men. What we usually refer to a bad guy is one who is manly, masculine, adventurous, who knows how to get things done in his own way, one who doesn’t give in easily and who loves challenges. We are usually attracted to such kind of persona because we feel that we are being protected in their company.

Another quality that overwhelms us is their self-confidence. No matter where they are, how they look, their confidence reflects like a shining armor which makes women turn on. They are more assured and hold a high self-esteem which is comfortable with oneself.

As a woman, I would say that, we are quite considerate as far as looks are concerned but appearance, in particular, matters. And here bad guys fit the bill inherently. Their masculinity goes perfect with their confidence and indifferent attitude which women find irresistible. Their ‘leave it or take it’ attitude appeals to us all the more that’s why women often prefer bad men.

They are often full of unexplored mysteries which we find intriguing and pose as a challenge to us. In addition to this, they are adventurous and full of excitement which makes women crave for more and wanting to come back each time. Women love to explore and discover things about her man herself, rather than going through an open diary.

In spite of all the insecurities of being in love with a bad boy, we experience some kind of warmth and affection in his company. And his gut to fight for what he wants and to get it, makes him all the more attractive for we want our guy to fight for us, to defend and protect us.

We desire to be handled delicately which the bad guy seems to understand perfectly. Despite being a rebel, he knows how to get into the heart of a woman and get hold of the chords of her heart. He knows how to talk with them and pull the string at the right moment. That is why women always fall for the bad guys.

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